The Media Research Center is rather cozily in bed with the energy industry -- it has received more than $400,000 from ExxonMobil, and MRC vice president Dan Gainor holds the title of T. Boone Pickens Fellow.
One thing that fossil-fuel money presumably buys from the MRC is articles like this April 5 piece by Matt Cover, in which he uncritically spouts the oil industry's stance on a new federal regulation to lower sulfur pollutants in gasoline:
New regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency aimed at eliminating sulfur emissions from cars and light trucks would have little benefit for the environment and could raise gas prices, according to a study produced for the American Petroleum Institute (API).
“Simply put, as proposed, the Tier 3 regulation will impose significant costs on making gasoline. And a study we commissioned by the environmental consulting group Environ concludes that ozone benefits touted by EPA would be only marginal at best,” API Group Director for Downstream and Industry Operations Bob Greco said on a conference call Thursday.
Since Cover is acting as an industry shill, not an actual reporter, he made no effort to seek anyone out for reaction to the API's stance.
Meanwhile, this may be the last CNS article we see from Cover. He's moving on to join Rare, the new right-wing website operated by Cox Media that launches on April 15. If the Rare folks are looking for someone to turnright-wing talking points into "news," they couldn't have picked a finer go-to guy than Cover.