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Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Mychal Massie's Obsession With 'White Liberal Illuminati' Continues
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Mychal Massie has been weirdly obsessed with the "white liberal illuminati" and their purported racism over the past few weeks, an obsession he continues in his April 1 column:

To white liberals, blacks are a means to an end. They want to feel good about themselves. Helping po-po blacks is a form of religion to them. It assuages their “white guilt” and offers a means of repentance for the sins of their fathers and their personal secret feelings of superiority.

But their way of assuaging themselves of said sins is to embrace definitions of racism that are expansive to the point of their viewing verbiage such as “black clouds,” “black or dark moods” and often any other reference that uses the word “black” as a negative as evidence of racism and in some instances hate speech.

You will never hear a white liberal speak well of a black person who believes in meritocracy and who repudiates the idea that whites are guilty of anything more than working for a living like everyone else.

White liberals have with forethought and malice publicly savaged the most erudite and accomplished persons of color in the United States today precisely because they do not ascribe to self-segregation and victimology.

Of course, Massie has never been afraid to play the race card, once declaring that any criticism of Condoleezza Rice was the same thing as what Bull Connor and Orval Faubus did.

In reality, Massie's problem is that he is unable to handle criticism. His response to ConWebWatch's criticism of him was the petty action of blocking us from following him on Twitter (not that we can't figure out other ways of tracking his Buttzilla-laden tweets).

As if to further demonstrate his pettiness, Massie writes: "I recall a recent incident in which a white liberal condescendingly told me I had used a word he didn’t know – as if I should feel bad for his ignorance." As we've documented, Massie makes a habit of using big, obscure words, apparently in his own attempt at condescension. We wouldn't be surprised if the real story is that the guy merely called Massie out on lording his ten-dollar words over people.

And because Massie's sputtering hatred of everything Obama remains solidly in pathology territory, he concludes his column with this:

I am prepared to argue that the only reason white liberals bow before Obama is because he is half-Kenyan with a Muslim name who harbors the deepest of resentment for traditional America. I would further argue that the only reason they embrace his wife is because she behaves in a way that is commensurate with their low opinions of blacks.

And that's the kind of person Massie is.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:40 PM EDT

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