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Tuesday, April 2, 2013
NewsBusters' Sheppard Promotes Truther Alex Jones' Smear of MSNBC
Topic: NewsBusters

NewsBusters typically dismisses alleged 9/11 truthers like Rosie O'Donnell and Toure as immediately discredited because of those views. NewsBusters has even bashed the trutherism of Alex Jones, complaining in 2011 that MSNBC was allowing Jones to promote himself and his website without mention that he "promotes fringe theories blaming the U.S. government for 9/11 and distributes a documentary about 'the chemtrail/geo-engineering' coverup."

So it was a bit of a surprise when NewsBusters associate editor Noel Sheppard devoted a March 31 post to Jones' ranting that MSNBC is "like the Ku Klux Klan channel, but it’s from a liberal perspective. Just race, everything race." Sheppard made no mention of Jones' trutherism or crazy conspiracy theories. (Nor does he mention that his fellow NewsBusters had criticized MSNBC for promoting Jones, which suggests more than a bit of ingratitude on Jones' part.)

Apparently feeling some heat for promoting Jones, Sheppard later added this to his post:

Update: Readers are advised that this post is not an endorsement of any of Jones's crazy conspiracy theories. Instead, it was intended to demonstrate that even he sees MSNBC as a travesty.

So it's a good thing that Alex Jones concurs with the MRC on this issue? Really?

Sheppard's disclaimer rings more than a little hollow -- this is, after all, the same guy who made an appearance on 9/11 truther Jesse Ventura's cable TV show, helpfully named "Conspiracy Theory," skulking around and ranting that global warming is all about “power and money and control of the population."

For a guy who claims to disavow crazy conspiracy theories, Sheppard sure spends a lot of time promoting people who spout them.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:25 AM EDT

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