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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
WND vs. Glenn Beck
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Glenn Beck's webcast freakout last week, in which he declared he has lost faith in America, got something of a negative reaction over at WorldNetDaily, which is almost as freakout-prone as Beck is.

A March 6 WND article by Joe Kovacs grimly recounted the highlights of Beck's rant. Then, a couple of WND columnists weighed in, criticizing Beck's declaration of surrender.

Alan Keyes declared that Beck had surrendered long ago by not being a birther and not hating gays as much as he does:

I admit, however, that I could never take his media reputation at face value, even before he joined the elitist faction’s media jackals on the hunt against people like me who insist that questions about Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the U.S. presidency have to be taken seriously. When he did, I publicly consigned Beck to the racks of “the commentators and politicians of our era” who “remind me of the barbarians who first made and then squatted upon the ruins of ancient Rome. In like fashion they contrive to ruin the American institutions of freedom.”

I am therefore inclined to see Beck’s posturing about surrender as “wolf sheds sheepdog’s clothing.” It goes hand in hand with his denial of the damage the push for homosexual marriage aims to do to the foundations of constitutional self-government in the United States. The doctrine of unalienable rights is the basis for America’s constitutional republic. But the assertion of unalienable rights in the American Declaration of Independence makes no sense unless we acknowledge God’s authority as our Creator. Beck “says that he believes that we must return to God.” Yet (as I pointed out some time ago in “A Meditation on Glenn Beck’s Divine Mission”), “he casually blows off the issues that involve imposing on our nation laws and practices that deny the natural law derived from God’s authority. …”

Larry Klayman, meanwhile, grumbled that Beck was no Patrick Henry. And, of course, went off on a fit of premium-grade Obama derangement:

The First Despot, King George III, raped the rich colonies with high taxes, ignored their grievances, subverted their legal system and as a final stroke seized and destroyed the colonists’ caches of guns and other means of self-defense when it became apparent that the citizens could stand no more tyranny from the Crown. Even worse, 236 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, triggering the first American Revolution, the modern-day disciple of the king, demagogue President Barack Hussein Obama, has onerously raised taxes, engaged in class warfare, pitting the poor and middle class against the so-called rich, black against white, Latino against Anglo, gay against straight, and Muslim against Jew and Christian, in order to win re-election.

To insure that Obama’s mission to enslave the nation in his brand of Marxist ideology succeeds in the face of imminent rebellion by the informed masses, his government has armed itself to the teeth, unleashed black helicopters in our major cities to intimate the people and set up committees to determine who in its estimation is a “subversive” and may have to be eliminated with drone and other strikes on American citizens on U.S. soil.

Of course, Beck would have to go a long way to hate Obama as much as Klayman does.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:23 PM EDT

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