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Friday, February 22, 2013
MRC Writers Bash Abortion Movie, Won't Condemn Murder of Abortion Doctor
Topic: Media Research Center

Brent Bozell isn't the only Media Research Center writer who is bashing a new documentary about abortion after the death of George Tiller without expressing any disapproval of Tiller's murder.

A Feb.18 MRC Culture & Media Institute item by Katie Yoder complain that the documentary "After Tiller"didn't paint doctors who perform third-trimester abortions as "murderers," ghoing on to rant that one of them, Dr. Leroy Carhart, is "a man who murders babies old enough for birth."

Yoder notes only that Tiller is "deceased" but not how he got that way -- being shot to death in church by anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder. Given that she applies "murderer" to Carhart but not Roeder, it seems that Yoder would like Tiller's fate to befall Carhart.

And in a Feb. 19 column, Rev. Marcel Guarnizo denounced "After Tiller" as "a great work of propaganda," smearing the doctors depicted in the film as "soulless" being who were "taught the deadly art of late term abortion by George Tiller." Guarnizo wasn't moved to condemn the murder of Tiller as the work of a "soulless" being.

As we've noted, the MRC endeavored immediately after Tiller's murder to distance Roeder from the anti-abortion movement, even though he had ties to a very significant anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue. CNS' Penny Starr insisted in 2010 that Roeder is "a mentally unstable man" despite the fact that Roeder did not mount an insanity defense at his trial and a psychologist hired by the defense found Roeder competent to stand trial.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:05 AM EST

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