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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Noel Sheppard's Logical Failure
Topic: NewsBusters

As most readers know by now, Noel Sheppard isn't the sharpest tool in the NewsBusters shed, willing to ignore facts, reality and ethnic slurs in the service of bashing those who aren't as conservative as he is.

In a Feb. 11 post, Sheppard highlights Fox News CEO Roger Ailes' grousing that President obama "likes to divide people into groups," followed by media critic Howard Kurtz's response, "What in Obama’s record casts him as a racially divisive leader?"

Sheppard retorted: "Really, Howie? You think race relations are better in America today than they were before Obama took office?" Sheppard then cited a poll stating that fewer people believe race relations will get better under Obama than they did in 2008.

But Sheppard is presuming that Obama is solely to blame for that number dropping -- something for which he presents no evidence whatsoever. In fact, as Media Matters details, two clear culprits in dividing people have been ... Ailes and Fox News, from Ailes' campaign work for Richard Nixon to Fox's hiring of Glenn Beck, who called Obama a "racist."

You were saying, Noel?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:18 AM EST

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