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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
WND Repeats Planned Parenthood Falsehoods
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily doesn't believe in telling the other side of the story when that side involves something it disagrees with, which explains WND's Oct. 6 article on a Planned Parenthood-taught program in an Oregon school district.

WND publishes only attacks Planned Parenthood -- quoting only an anti-Planned Parenthood website and a "Christian news" website, and making no effort to actually talk to any Planned Parenthood official -- even repeating falsehoods about the organization. Here's how the unbylined article begins:

The Obama administration has a program that distributes funding to Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate children with the abortion industry’s perspective of sexuality, and the industry giant’s workers routinely are given students in public schools for their work.

At no point does WND offer evidence that any of those assertions are true.

WND goes on to repeat a claim that Planned Parenthood "derive[s] most of their income from the killing of unborn children." That's completely false -- only about 15 percent of the organization's income comes from abortion.

Curiously, though the article is about a class in the Salem, Oregon, school district taht Planned Parenthood is involved in, at no point does WND describe the contents of the class. Apparently, it was so busy fearmongering and slanting the story it forgot. Of course, it could also nbe that the opponents of the class don't care what it's about since they too are too busy trying to fearmonger.

What is being taught is the Teen Outreach Program, which has the goal of reducing teen pregnancy. According to the Salem Statesman Journal (via Nexis), a major component of TOP is after-school community service projects that each student takes part in.

Apparently, WND and the Oregon opponents don't believe that to be a worthy goal. Nor, it seems, do they believe in telling facts that contradict their worldviews and agendas.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:33 AM EDT

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