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Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Jon Dougherty's Love Letter to Romney
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've noted the return of Jon Dougherty to WorldNetDaily. And how is Dougherty using this platform in his Oct. 6 column? Penning a slobbering love letter to Mitt Romney. Behold:

Mitt Romney doesn’t need to be president of the United States.

A wealthy guy with a stable home, a great family and the world as his oyster, he doesn’t need the rigors of a presidential campaign, let alone the endless, trying hours and the plethora of pressing issues that await him should he win in November.

He doesn’t need the constant scrutiny of his personal life and finances or the carping of a hostile press wholly in the bag for his opponent. He doesn’t deserve to be harangued by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

So why is Romney even running? Why did he leave the comfort and security of Bain Capital, a highly successful firm he helped build and which provided him a rare opportunity to become a billionaire?

Why did he instead choose to run the Winter Olympics and then the state of Massachusetts?

Why does such a rich guy, whom we’ve been told is so affluent he couldn’t possibly care about the rest of us, let alone relate to our needs and concerns, want to put himself and his family through what is arguably the most rigorous, stressful and soul-sucking process that is a presidential campaign?


I think it’s because Mitt Romney is a noble man. And his bid for the presidency is perhaps the most noble gesture of our time.


Mitt Romney is a rich guy. He doesn’t need to be president. The fact that he still wants to be, given all that he has endured, is genuinely noble.

Instead of trying to tear him apart we should be thanking him for offering up his experience and service. It’s not like he needs the money.

Too bad WND is so far out of the mainstream that Dougherty's love letter doesn't matter, but nice try, Jon.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:54 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 10:47 PM EDT

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