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Sunday, August 26, 2012
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Obama’s presidency is unique in the history of this nation. This president has governed by brittle fiat, forcing socialized medicine down the throats of a majority of citizens who opposed this move. He has wildly outspent his predecessors, swelling the national debt at a dizzying pace. He has proclaimed his hatred for traditional American values (notably, by supporting gay marriage), spat on dead U.S. soldiers by giving light-hearted “shout outs” at what should have been a solemn announcement (regarding the Fort Hood shootings) and revealed his contempt for individual effort (in telling business owners that they “didn’t build that” and were not responsible for their success). The bad news we receive every day is numbing in its scope. We are a nation in decline, and there is no single person more responsible than the president presiding over that decline. How, then, does Obama hold a lead in (albeit Democrat-rigged) national polls?

The answer is simple: Obama understands how to use the Internet. He understands how to influence the many people for whom the Internet is the dominant information and entertainment outlet. He understands the significance of our interconnected and technologically saturated society. He understands why a website is instant credibility … or just the opposite.

Mitt Romney understands none of these things, and that is why he is losing this election.

-- Phil Elmore, August 8 WorldNetDaily column

I am now prepared to say that the photos of young Obama, appearing to be stoned out of his mind, the photos of him doing his best pimp look – wide-brimmed pimp hat cocked to the side with a cigarette in his hand – and the photos of him puffing on a cigarette as if it were a marijuana joint – speak to his commonality.

The photos we see of him as a young man and a college student symbolize him as a pothead or trying to be ghetto-cool. The photos of Michelle show her with angry expressions or in the most unflattering clothing, trying to look sultry.

My son and the FreeRepublic commenter bring an important subject matter to the dialogue pursuant to the Obamas. My late grandmother used to say, “Water always seeks its own level.” Such is the case with the Obamas.

I know leftist liberals and the media like to heap praise upon Michelle as being a fashion plate, but dressing up like a “Soul Train” dancer doesn’t make her Jackie Kennedyesque, as they opine her to be.

-- Mychal Massie, Aug. 13 WND column

Now that Obama’s hair has begun turning gray, I think the folks at Grecian Formula are missing a good bet by not hiring him to do commercials for their product. It’s a natural connection. After all, when it comes to our economy, this goof has spent the past three years employing the Grecian formula as his model. As a result, we’re nearly in the same dire financial straits as Greece.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Aug. 14 WND column

The Church of Obama, much outspent by the Latter-Day Saints in the White House campaign, is in a panic. It has even resorted to a swear-word in an email inviting potential supporters to stump up $5 or more to keep Mr. Manchurian in the luxury to which he has become accustomed.

The hard-left “Democrats” of today (the quote-marks should surely be part of WND’s house style from now on) don’t just hate conservatives. They fear us.

-- Christopher Monckton, Aug. 14 WND column

Right now, pragmatists are laser focused on only one thing: getting Son of Saul out of the White House before he finishes the job of destroying America. The decades-long Republican argument goes something like this: “Forget what you think about our candidate. Let’s just get this evil guy out of office; then, once we’re in power, we can work on changing our man.”

-- Robert Ringer, Aug. 15 WND column

Truly, Obama promised change and delivered chains. This is not hyperbole. It’s not about race. It’s about placing limits on liberty in favor of expanding government power. His philosophy and his practice, his rhetoric and his actions, all suggest he detests everything that made America the greatest experiment in self-government the world has ever known.

-- Joseph Farah, Aug. 20 WND column

I might even question why Obama doesn’t think “The Star Spangled Banner” isn’t “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset” as said of the Muslim call to prayer. I might even have someone ask the question of whether Obama can recite the Apostles’ Creed with the same perfect annunciation that he recites the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan. After all, he does profess to be a Christian.

-- Mychal Massie, Aug. 20 WND column

 As I watch Obama and his army of lying thugs frantically spewing out the most preposterous lies imaginable, I am reminded of Eric Hoffer’s warning that the louder the drums of deceit, the more vigilant one has to be about learning the facts. And therein lies the problem. A significant portion of the populace is totally uninformed, and it comprises the very people who decide the winner of every election!

-- Robert Ringer, Aug. 22 WND column

To Obama and his army of taxpayer-funded community organizers, the America he inherited was so screwed up he needs eight years to fix it, not four. That makes perfect sense to them; in fact, they knew it all along. If they could amend the Constitution to make Obama president for life, they would.

-- Tom Tancredo, Aug. 24 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EDT

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