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Thursday, August 2, 2012
Newsmax Still Pandering to Trump
Topic: Newsmax

Promoting Donald Trump's presidential ambitions and failing miserably at trying to stage a Republican presidential debate with him apparently isn't enough for Newsmax. The latest issue of Newsmax's magazine is devoted to slobbering over Trump:

Billionaire Donald Trump has put his celebrity status and business power behind Mitt Romney — and with his undeniable appeal among independent voters, a Newsmax magazine special report finds that he may prove to be a political kingmaker come this November.

Newsmax magazine's report — "The Trump Effect" — has just been released and reveals Donald Trump's pivotal role in the GOP primary and how he is working behind the scenes to engineer a victory for Mitt Romney.

"The Trump Effect" is a powerful political tale written by Edward Klein, former editor-in-chief of The New York Times magazine and author of best-selling books including his latest, "The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House."

The Newsmax magazine report features Klein's exclusive interview with Trump, and provides an in-depth look at The Donald's vast financial empire — including real estate, golf courses, restaurants, TV productions, books, even menswear and home furnishings.

It also reveals the surprising results of a Newsmax poll that provides a unique picture of the "Trump voters" — independent voters in key swing states who listen to Donald Trump. And it offers readers an eye-opening personal look at Trump, including "A Day in the Life of The Donald" and "10 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Trump."

Trump also shares the four policy reforms the game-changing mogul most wants to see from President Romney!

Yes, the same Ed Klein who engaged in factually suspicious Obama-bashing in a new book wrote this Trump-fest. As we've previously noted, Klein is a buddy of Newsmax's Ronald Kessler, who led Newsmax's presidential Trump-fluffing.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:47 PM EDT

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