Topic: Media Research Center
The MRC has dutifully been trying to manufacture a controversy over certain news outlets not reporting on a lawsuit filed by various Catholic entities against the federal government over its contraception coverage mandate. Its latest press release, however, gives the game away.
A May 24 MRC press release makes this statement: "For the third night in a row the broadcast networks have refused to cover this correctly."
The MRC's use of the word "correctly" tells us the real agenda here. If there is a "correct" way to report on this -- which, in the MRC's view, is to report it the way the MRC wants it, without any questioning about the political agenda involved -- there is also an "incorrect" way, which is anything that fails to adequately promote the MRC's right-wing agenda.
In short, it's about conservative correctness. We saw this in the ConWeb's war on Christmas, and we see it every time NewsBusters unleashes a round of Heathering on any conservative who falls short of total fealty to right-wing talking points.
The MRC doesn't care about media fairness, and it never has. It has only two purposes -- to advance an political agenda, and to denigrate any media outlet that doesn't do so to the MRC's satisfaction.
That's all that's happening here.