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Saturday, May 19, 2012
WND's Mercer Mocks Child On Time Cover As 'Chunky Garden Gnome'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We're not defending the infamous Time magazine cover of a mother breastfeeding her nearly 4-year-old child, nor are we venturing into the propriety of such behavior, let alone putting on the cover of a magazine. It does seem, however, a little beyond the pale to launch an attack on the child, and that's what Ilana Mercer does in her May 16 WorldNetDaily column, calling him, among other things, a "chunky, garden gnome of a child":

“Obscene” better captures the mien of the Madonna and child that brazenly stare into the camera – and at America. Time’s cover-models are Jamie Lynne Grumet, 26, self-styled, “attachment” parent, and Aram, her chunky, garden gnome of a child.

(And “hollow-elite,” also a Murray moniker, fits Time Managing Editor Rick Stengel. Stengel, whose hagiographical tributes to Nelson Mandela have practically been serialized – he has completed two, perhaps a third is planned? – has helped cloak Mandela in the raiment of sainthood. Mandela, that paragon of virtue, has never raised his authoritative voice against the pogroms that have seen thousands of white South Africans murdered and mutilated by blacks.)

In any event, Aram is a real feeder, if you know what I mean.

Grumet junior is large for his tender age of 4. His gaze is cunning, never cute. The miniature man already reaches up to his non-gnomic mom’s waist. To help Aram get at the prized pair – mom’s perky breasts – Time’s artistic director has used a stool.

All the better to satisfy mom’s “maternal” urges, “Nudge nudge, wink wink. Say no-more, say no-more.”

One other tender touch: Porno-mom’s pelvis is tilted slightly in the direction of her gnome’s grubby hands.

At this stage, bullying would be the best corrective intervention this kid could hope for. In a better world – one in which propriety had not been pulverized – odious Aram would be taunted mercilessly at play school. Were he to make it that far, boob-boy is sure to be smacked about the head by a few manly college boys, later in life.


From the little we’ve seen of him, Aram is awfully unpleasant, a walking, whinging DSM-5 textbook – that’s the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – in the making.

Despite what one thinks of the mother's behavior, the child is innocent and doesn't really deserve mocking, particularly by someone who has her own issues.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:20 AM EDT

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