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Monday, May 7, 2012
Ellis Washington Channels His Fantasy Version of Socrates Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Ellis Washington is back with another one of his so-called "dialectics" in which he masquerades as a smack-talkin', right-wing-shillin' Socrates. Try to imagine the actual Socrates saying this:

Socrates: We are gathered here today at this Symposium to discuss various tactics and strategies radicals have used to denigrate, deconstruct and destroy America – the greatest nation in the history of the world. In a previous Symposium, “The damnation of ideas,” we discussed the differences between ideas that uplift society and those that damn society in the context of 10 infamous writers and their most controversial books, and discussed whether these books have either elevated society to ascend the steps of Parnassus or condemned society into the pit of Tartarus.

Today we will examine the people and radical governmental agencies that come from those infamous ideas that collectively have caused the damnation of modern society. How would you achieve this goal, if you wanted America to fail?

As usual, Washington sets up anyone opposed to his -- er, "Socrates'" -- right-wing ideology as straw men easily knocked down by the power of alleged "truth." For instance, there's this:

Dr. NEA: Although my fascist organization was birthed in 1978 concomitant with the creation of President Jimmy Carter’s Department of Education, my real birth occurred over 150 years ago in 1857 by a small but zealous group of radical atheists, humanists, Marxist and progressives dedicated to forever separating education from morality, truth and the canon.

Would the real, truth-seeking Socrates engaged in such ad hominem and factually misleading attacks? Probably not.

Washington also bizarrely puts Saul Alinsky -- who was not a dictator and never ordered anyone's death -- on the same plane as Marx, Lenin and Hitler.

Washington's pretention is amazing, even for someone best known for getting things flamboyantly wrong. There are few people so stupid as those who insist on masquerading as one of history's greatest intellectuals and philosophers. 

Posted by Terry K. at 10:19 AM EDT

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