Topic: WorldNetDaily
Why does Joseph Farah expect an organization he has vowed to destroy to give him a press pass? It makes no sense -- unless you're Joseph Farah, anyway -- yet he persists.
An April 30 WND article is dedicated to whining that the United Nations' U.S. mission refused to allow Stewart Stogel, "WND’s veteran U.N. reporter," to attend a "government event" that was closed to the public. WND goes on to fluff Stogel as "one of the most senior U.N. correspondents, who values his long and cordial working relationships with everyone from John Bolton to Ban Ki-moon."
WND is fibbing about Stogel being its "veteran U.N. reporter." He's a freelancer who, near as we can tell, is not on the full-time WND payroll. He has also freelanced for other ConWeb outlets like Newsmax -- where he promoted the alarmist, wildly inaccurate claim that Al Qaeda has suitcase nuclear bombs that it planned to detonate in, er, 2005 -- and Stogel has also done birther work for WND, touting the so-called "citizen's court" held by crazy person James David Manning and whitewashing Manning's insane Obama hatred, i.e. omitting the fact that he loves to call Obama a "long-legged mack daddy."
In other words, he's basically a right-wing hack, despite also having written for the Miami Herald.
Aside from burying Stogel's right-wing activism, WND also plays dumb about why the U.N. would deny WND a press pass. But as we detailed back in 2009, the last time WND attempted to get a U.N. press pass, WND editor Joseph Farah wrote a 2005 column, which he repeated in 2007, headlined "Death to the U.N.!" In it, Farah called the U.N. "a global criminal enterprise determined to shift power away from individuals and sovereign nation-states to a small band of unaccountable international elites," adding that "there’s just no place for the United Nations in the United States."
That's not all. In a 2006 column, Farah called the U.N. part of the "Kingdom of Darkness." And in 2005, Farah asserted: "If the United States truly wants to be that “shining city on a hill” to inspire the rest of the world toward freedom and self-government, it’s time to start by kicking the United Nations out of the United States and withdrawing our membership and support."
In short, Farah wants to destroy the United Nations -- but not before it gives WND press credentials.
Farah whined further about this in his May 2 column blaming the White House for this and playing the victim -- ignoring the fact that WND routinely gets no respect because it puts its right-wing, anti-Obama agenda before actual journalism -- and, of course, begging for money by telling readers "you might want to consider making a contribution to WND’s legal defense fund."
Needless to say, Farah makes no mention of his utter contempt for the U.N. or the role that is likely playing in the U.N.'s disregard for WND.