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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
MRC's Graham, Ex-MRC Staffer Argue Over How 'Fringe' It Is To Be Anti-Gay
Topic: Media Research Center

Remember how the Media Research Center's Dan Gainor attacked Mitt Romney's campaign for being insufficiently "conservative" by hiring the openly gay Richard Grenell as a spokesman, even though is area of expertise is national security and would not be discussing social issues?

Well, Gainor and his fellow homophobes have gotten their pound of flesh -- Grenell has resigned from Romney's campaign, citing the controversy. But while Gainor has remained mostly silent about Grenell's resignation, another MRC has picked up the fight, at least for the idea that being anti-gay is not "fringe."

That's what former MRC employee Kevin Eder tweeted about it, which prompted a backlash from the MRC's Tim Graham:

Of course, the MRC has a very aggressive anti-gay agenda that should address any questions about how "fringe" the MRC thinks it is on the subject.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:56 AM EDT

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