Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily is little more than the PR agency for Joe Arpaio, and Jerome Corsi may as well be on Arpaio's payroll (if he isn't already) for all the fawning articles he's written about the sheriff.
We see this again in an April 23 WND article by Corsi touting how Arpaio "finds himself under increasing attack as he prepares to release new findings in his investigation of President Obama’s eligibility for the state’s 2012 election ballot." WND is obviously colluding with Arpaio to promote the utterly discredited cold case posse "investigation" of Obama -- how discredited? Corsi and WND refuse to even acknowledge the fact that it has been substantively criticized -- and won't even come clean with its readers of the depths of that entanglement.
Corsi also engages in alternate-universe explanations to brush away Arpaio's many growing scandals:
As WND reported, new impetus was given to the anti-Arpaio campaign by the recent disbarment of Maricopa County attorney Andrew Thomas in a complicated corruption case.
Establishment media have largely ignored, however, the fact that Thomas and Assistant Prosecutor Lisa Aubuchon were disbarred for filing criminal charges against Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Gary Donahoe and two members of the Board of Supervisors, which oversees Arpaio’s office, Mary Rose Wilcox and Don Stapley. Both are determined Arpaio foes.
Uh, Jerry, that was kind of the point. Thomas and Auchubon filed trumped-up charges against these board members precisely because they were "determined Arpaio foes." It's called legal harrassment and intimidation. That's why they were disbarred, and all Corsi's conspiratorial spin won't change that.
Corsi also regurgitates earlier attacks on Arpaio critic Randy Parraz as a "radical outside agitator " with an "elite education." Um, doesn't Corsi have a degree from elite educational institution Harvard? Yes, he does.
Corsi even throws in the Fast and Furious investigation, even though it has nothing whatsoever to do with Arpaio.
Think about it: A man with a Harvard degree is spending his twilight years trying to prop up a corrupt sheriff who makes discredited attacks on the president of the United States. Sad, isn't it?