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Monday, April 2, 2012
NewsBusters Finds 'Liberal Bias' In A Peeps Diorama
Topic: NewsBusters

How much is the Media Research Center obsessed with The Washington Post? NewsBusters is even scouring the Post's contest entries for signs of "liberal bias."

IN a March 28 NewsBusters post, Ken Shepherd takes offense to an Occupy-themed display won the top prize in the Post's annual Peeps diorama contest:

Just when you thought Occupy D.C. was dead and gone and, with it, the Washington Post's gauzy coverage, the paper has resurrected it's puffery of the leftist movement just in time for Easter.

This time, the Post fondly remembered the left-wing squatters' camp by awarding its sixth annual Easter Peeps Diorama Contest to Cori E. Wright of Falls Church, Va., for her "OccuPeep D.C." display.  Wright, a decorative painter who works for the Architect of the Capitol told the Post that she "[doesn't] necessarily agree with the occupiers, but I agree with the right to occupy." [see photo of diorama below page break]

"I didn’t want to be disrespectful. I didn’t want to fill the signs with puns. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t one-sided," Wright noted.

"In the Post newsroom, her sincerity and objectivity reigned," Post staffer Katherine Boyle gushed.

Shepherd didn't mention the fact that the Occupy diorama really is balanced, down to the depiction of rats, which the Post described as its "favorite accessory":

Shepherd also seems to have ignored the possibility that the Occupy diorama was. you know, the best entry and deserved the reward.

But that would have required Shepherd to be fair and objective, and the MRC isn't paying him to do that.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:05 PM EDT

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