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Monday, April 2, 2012
WND's Movie Reviewer: Obama Is An Evil Fairy-Tale Queen
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Drew Zahn uses his March 31 review of the film "Mirror Mirror," a takeoff of the Snow White story, to slap together some Obama-bashing by likening the film's "evil queen" to President Obama:

The queen has lived in isolation from the people for years (Columbia, Harvard, the White House, vacationing in Hawaii and Paris – if you catch my hint) and slowly finds herself in charge of a financially crumbling kingdom (the U.S. isn’t a kingdom, but the parallel is still there, yes?).

Her answer to this dilemma? She’s going to spend lavishly in a scheme to fix her country’s financial fortunes (stimulus package!).

“But, my queen,” her advisor explains, “you’re broke.”

Her answer? “Then go collect more taxes!”

Sounds quite a bit like the plan proposed by Obama – spend the nation into oblivion, then raise taxes to pay for it.

Later, the local magistrate balks at surrendering the people’s money to the queen’s czar, I mean, assistant. But tax day just so happens to arrive right after the kingdom is devastated by news of Snow White’s death.

“Are you seriously going to argue about money,” the queen’s assistant asks, “on this day of grieving?”

No sooner were the words out of the assistant’s lips, than my wife and I turned to one another in the theater and said in near unison, “No, because you should never let a crisis go to waste.”

Of course, the words we quoted weren’t actually spoken in “Mirror Mirror,” but by Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Later in the film, Snow White learns the bandits have stolen what the thieves call “the queen’s gold,” but what is really the collected tax money.

“Did you break into the queen’s palace to steal it?” she asks.

“No, we got it outside the village,” she’s told.

“So you stole the people’s gold,” she responds.

Wait! Wait! You mean tax money is actually the people’s money? Hmm … sounds like “Evil Queen Obama” could learn a few things by looking in the “Mirror.”

Zahn has a bad habit of injecting WND's far-right agenda into his reviews. For instance, he didn't like the animated film "Tangled" because it teaches that children can think for themselves, and he used his review of a Transformers" film to opine that Obama is a Decepticon.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:31 PM EDT

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