Topic: WorldNetDaily
It seems that Jerome Corsi's adventure with his "trusted Kenyan professionals" is not the only recent instance of plagiarism at WorldNetDaily these days.
Loren Collins at Barackryphal has uncovered more examples of plagiarism at WND:
- A Dec. 9 article by Aaron Klein cribs liberally from a CNN op-ed by William Bennett without attribution.
- A Nov. 22 column by Joseph Farah copies statements made in articles by the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times.
We've previously detailed an earlier example of plagiarism by Farah, in which he lifted large parts of a 2005 article from a Reuters piece.
Ironically, Farah had complained in 2003 that the "AP is lifting WorldNetDaily copyright content seemingly at will without attribution or credit" -- exactly what he and Klein are doing to the AP and other news organizations.
Note to Farah and WND: A redesigned website can't hide the fact that you're stealing the work of others.