Topic: WorldNetDaily
NewsBusters' Noel Sheppard is not the only ConWeb writer to take refuge in headline cliches.
See if you can catch the similarity in these WorldNetDaily headlines from this year:
Look who's behind Occupy Jew-hating
Look who's deciding American court cases
Look who's claiming police brutality at protests
Look who's behind uprising in Orlando
Savage: Look who's traveling with Obama
Look who's reviving terror brigade
Look who's blamed for vanishing eligibility rulings
Look who's doing Libyan rebels' bidding in Washington
Look who's launching anti-tea-party group
Now look who's getting grilled over eligibility
Look who's in line to replace Gadhafi
Look who's 'essential' in Minnesota
Look who's getting soaked by the IRS
Poll stunner! Look who's on Palin's heels for nomination
WND has been abusing the "Look who's" cliche as far back as 2004.