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Monday, December 19, 2011
WND Proud Molotov Mitchell's Gay-Bashing Is Being Spread
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Not many news organizations would express pride that its message of hate is being spread far and wide, but WorldNetDaily is not just any news organization.

A Dec. 16 WND article by Chelsea Schilling begins:

An Iowa tea-party group founder is endorsing former senator and GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum to win the 2012 Iowa Caucuses and today is delivering a pro-Santorum text-messaged video blast starring WND's Molotov Mitchell to every registered Republican voter in Iowa with a cell phone on record.

"The tea-party movement started with Chicago's famous 'Santelli rant,'" said Judd Saul of Cedar Falls, "and it's time for us to launch a 'Santorum rant' against Rick's nasty Chicago detractors."

Schilling takes care to directly quote as little as possible of what Mitchell actually said in his video, which is less an endorsement of Santorum than it is a rant against sex columnist Dan Savage. Indeed, the only direct quote Schilling uses is Mitchell's description of Savage as "a hate-monger posing as a guy who fights hate-mongers."

Schilling most definitely doesn't mention that ol' Molotov called Savage a "walking STD" and that he really did buy, which redirects to Rick Santorum’s campaign website.

OF course, this is all in line with Mitchell's rabid homophobia, which Schilling also takes care not to mention. After all, Mitchell advocates the "abolition of homosexuality" and endorsed the proposed anti-gay law in Uganda that would permit the death penalty for being gay.

Schilling uncritically repeats Saul's rather laughable assertion that Mitchell's hateful screed is on a par with the rant by CNBC's Rick Santelli that help spark the tea party movement. But unlike Mitchell, Santelli didn't want to have the people he ranted against executed.

P.S. This article, by the way, appears to be marking the return of Schilling -- who has a prodigious record of false and misleading claims -- as a full-time WND writer. She has written only sporadically since July 2010, despite retaining a staff writer position on the WND masthead.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:16 PM EST

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