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Thursday, December 8, 2011
CNS Blogger Forgets to Mention Which Party Passed Bill He Doesn't Like

In a Dec. 2 blog post, Eric Scheiner rants about a 1996 federal law that "allows the government to work with industry groups to levy a tax on their items with the funds designated for promotion and marketing." Scheiner complains, "Couldn't these industries pool their resources together and do research and marketing on their own?"

Scheiner doesn't seem too keen on noting which politicalparty controlled Congress in 1996, when the law was passed: Republicans.And guess who was the chief sponsor of that bill? Pat Roberts, a Kansas Republican.

That omission is surprising, given the obsession Scheiner's employer, the Media Research Center, has with the media failing to highlight party affiliation in selected cases.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:20 AM EST

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