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Friday, November 18, 2011
Newsmax Lets McCaughey Peddle More Health Care Reform Misinformation
Topic: Newsmax

In a Nov. 14 Newsmax article, Martin Gould lets serial health care misleader Betsy McCaughey peddle even more misinformation about health care reform:

“The Obama administration lawyers have said mandatory insurance is necessary for free riders — the people who go to the hospital and do not pay for it,” McCaughey in an exclusive interview with Newsmax. “They argued again and again that the need for healthcare is universal and inevitable, that everyone is involved in healthcare commerce and this law regulates how they pay for it.

“But 13 percent of those are illegal immigrants and the rest will be eligible for Medicaid, so the individual mandate will not affect them.

“The 11th Circuit called that issue a sleight of hand, and I agree with that. Once uncovered, this fact is the silver bullet that will put the Obama healthcare law to rest,” she told Newsmax.

This is an apparent reference to her claim that the Obama administration is "spending some $11 billion on community organizations that serve illegal immigrants, largely. So this is a spread-the-wealth and buy-the-folks program." In fact, the community health centers are designed to help low-income people, and they are required to serve all who walk through their doors regardless of immigration status. While some who get served by these centers might be illegal, her suggestion is that all who benefit are illegal is simply not true.

Gould, it seems, was too busy writing sycophantic things like "Some have called McCaughey an American hero for her knowledge of the issues that Obama’s Affordable Care Act raises and her doggedness in opposing it" to get around to fact-checking anything she wrote.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:03 AM EST

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