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Wednesday, November 9, 2011
WND's Chuck Norris Peddles Anti-Vaccine Scaremongering
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Chuck Norris' Nov. 6 WorldNetDaily column largely ignores reality in trying to ramp up fearmongering about how vaccines are linked to autism.

Norris concedes that Centers for Disease Control and the Institute of Medicine, which he called "the nation's bastion of authoritative health and medicine advice," have declared that there's no link between vaccines and autism. But he responds by citing ... PRNewswire. Yes, he's citing press releases to respond to authoritative medical research.

This is just the latest anti-vaccine activism by WND, which has been of late raging against Gardasil.

UPDATE: An actual scientist examines Norris' fearmongering in detail, and finds it full of crap.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:00 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:47 PM EST

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