An Aug. 2 WorldNetDaily article touts a report by the right-wing Capital Research Center -- home of the perpetually wrong Matthew Vadum -- on the legal watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, largely complaining that George Soros has donated to the group and that it goes after liberals more than conservatives.
That CRC report, interestingly, was written by a familiar name: reporter Fred Lucas.
Why is Lucas, who purports to be a "news" reporter, moonlighting for a clearly partisan "research" organization like the CRC? After all, any organization that keeps Vadum employed clearly has a partisan agenda to push. This seems to be just another sign that CNS no longer cares about keeping up the pretense of being a real news outlet and has embraced its real agenda of being a right-wing attack machine.
It's also yet another swing of the revolving door of CNS staffers who swing between CNS so-called journalism and right-wing activism.
It's also worth noting that while both Lucas and WND hyperventilate over Soros donating $100,000 to CREW and other liberal groups donating as well, they are dwarfed by Richard Mellon Scaife foundation donations to the right-wing Judicial Watch -- more than $8.7 million since 1997. Lucas and WND don't seem bothered at all by that.