Topic: WorldNetDaily
The misdirection over the Norway terrorist bombing and shootings is in full swing at WorldNetDaily, which is eager to distance itself from alleged shooter Anders Behring Breivik -- even though he shares many of the same anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant views WND has promoted over the years.
A July 24 WND article takes pains to point out that "the media's quick characterization of the Norwegian terrorist as a 'Christian' may be as incorrect as it was to call Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh one." WND highlights that Breivik has called himself "not an excessively religious man," though it also notes that he considers himself "a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe." WND also thinks that Breivik's claim that he's "100-percent Christian" is somehow countered by his also expressing "pride in his genealogical roots."
WND is also selectively quoting from Breivik's massive manifesto , which it has helpfully published on its website. A July 24 article, for instance, highlights one tiny part of the manifesto in which Breivik "considered a plan to obtain a weapon of mass destruction through a truce with extreme Islamists, despite his online anti-Muslim rants."
What WND has noted yet: Breivik's manifesto also offers more than a dozen links to the Atlas Shrugs blog operated by newly minted WND columnist Pamela Geller. The manifesto also copiously quotes anti-Muslim activist Robert Spencer, who shows up frequently at WND as well.
Breivik's manifesto also cites Walid Shoebat, whom WND was defending last week against a CNN report that questioned his claim to be an ex-terrorist.
WND also hasn't mentioned that Breivik's manifesto cites WND six times:
- a 2004 article headlined "Muslim kids stage mock beheading";
- a 2003 article headlined "Islamists burn to death Christian pastor, family";
- a 2008 article headlined "Government paints bull’s-eye on Christians";
- a 2002 article headlined "Punishment includes Islam indoctrination";
- a 2001 column by editor Joseph Farah headlined "The Bible and self-defense," in which he explains that "The Bible couldn't be clearer on the right – even the duty – we have as believers to self-defense";
- and a 2002 article that appears to have originated at the magazine Insight on the News, with whom WND had a content-sharing agreement in the early 2000s (that article is no longer in the WND database, if it ever was).
On top of that, at least one WND columnist was offering implicit support for the attack. In his July 24 column, Vox Day used the attack as an excuse to rant about multiculturalism violent immigrants:
The frightening reality is that Breivik is probably correct in anticipating violence of this magnitude in the future. Indeed, it may well be that he is erring on the conservative side. Just as the depression of the 1930s set the stage for large-scale military conflict, the even larger global depression that began in 2008 is likely to build upon the dreadful foundation that was foolishly imposed upon the West by the multiculturalists. What the eventual outcome will be is uncertain. It may be the global government of progressive dreams, but based on the pendulum principle of history, it will more likely mark a return to the pre-World War I state of balanced and ethnically homogenous powers.
On Saturday, Matt Drudge reported a shooting in Seattle that was rather less covered than the Utoya one. Ten people were shot, none fatally, and no one was arrested. But the gunfire at the La Raza car show was every bit as significant as the more lethal shots fired in Norway, because it represents the other side of the coming immigration conflict. According to the statistics, more Americans will die in the next eight days at the hands of immigrants than were murdered in Oslo and Utoya.
Thus far, Americans have proven to be more tolerant of the ethnic vibrancy in their midst, despite the Sept. 11 attacks and 4,380 annual murders by immigrants. But, as the Norway attacks show, apathy and tolerance will not last forever. And when the separatist conflict comes to America, as history tends to suggests it eventually will, it should not be forgotten that primary responsibility for the bloodshed will lie with short-sighted immigration advocates such as Rep. Emanuel Cellar, Sen. Philip Hart, Sen. Edward Kennedy and former President Lyndon Johnson.
Instead of trying to distance Breivik from Christianity, WND might want to explain why Breivik is quoting it and so many of the people it supports -- and why its columnist seem to have no problem with such violence.
UDPATE: WND has also posted a video from the mysterious PPSimmons attempting to deny that Breivik is a right-wing Christian.
UPDATE 2: WND also gave space to Michael Savage to claim that Breivik's arrest has "all the appearances of a cover-up":
"They created their Reichstag fire. They found their Timothy McVeigh. They created their Jack Ruby. How could one man have blown up the downtown and then raced to the island to kill the teens?