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Monday, July 11, 2011
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Mychal Massie Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie's full-blown case of Obama Derangement Syndrome seems to be getting worse. Massie howled in his July 5 WorldNetDaily column:

Democratic pollster Pat Caddell was less than gracious when he said: Obama is not "a true Democrat." Caddell is right; he isn't a true Democrat, he is a true Marxist – and that's what Caddell was dancing around, but actually saying. He is transpicuously dishonest and untruthful to the point of needing professional help. I am of the opinion that all politicians are liars, but even using that low standard, he makes Anthony Weiner look like less of a liar. He is an increasingly unstable, despotic narcissist, and that is becoming more apparent with every national speech he gives. It's important to again note that after each national speech the criticism from liberals becomes more pronounced.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, Massie is just as deranged. Here's one expanded tweet:

bho is dangerous as poisonous pit viper as corrupt and dishonest as judas iscariot himself - he is hateful he is common n he is determined 2 have his own way - he is also increasingly unstable - as I watch him come under the weight of his actions trying 2 force his agendas/policies thru it becomes increasingly apparent that he that we r looking at a man who is beyond redemption n worthy of rebuke - it is not just for the sake of the nation we must drive him out - it is for the sake of all we hold just

Here's another expanded tweet:

"I watched America's limp-wrist mack-daddy fairy princess in pink panties hip-hop his way to the teleprompter for his press conference. The I muted the sound, and watched it in closed captioning - because, the sound of his voice makes me sick to my stomach. His comments were more closely identified to that bodily function, which can be as either a noun or a verb and is accompanied by micturation - only in his case it comes out of his mouth and ears - and properly explains why his eyes are brown." (Read the rest of "I cannot lie, obama makes me sick" at

And there's Twitter rage like this:

bho is a damnable liar who shud burn in hades 4 his misleading n intentional dishonesty put up posters "send bho to jail"

And this:

we'd better make sure bho is gone b4 iran gets nuke bomb b/c mao jr wont have clue wat 2 do whn we r attacked n dont tell me lie he got ubl

And yes, he's still childishly calling Michelle Obama "Buttzilla":

@icanttellyou46 serriously we shud start national poster campaign imprison bho n buttzilla cheap annoying n effective

And here too:

bho thinks its immoral 4 wrkg ppl 2 keep their $$ but sees nothing wrng w/ sending buttzila 2 africa on our dime he shud be dragged 2 prison

Massie's head will be exploding before long if he can't control his hate.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:10 AM EDT

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