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Monday, June 27, 2011
Ellis Washington's Sleazy (And False) Obama-Hitler Comparison
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ellis Washington joins WorldNetDaily's resurgence in likening Obama to Hitler in his June 25 column:

Borrowing a page from Hitler's playbook, Barack Obama, in a speech delivered in Colorado Springs on July 2, 2008, called for his own personal police force:

We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as America's combined military forces].

Few Americans realize that truly Obama fulfilled that campaign promise and today has legions of paid bureaucrats ("Brownshirts") sworn to his allegiance just like Hitler's Brownshirts and Gestapo of the 1920s and '30s.

Not only is Washington's attack sleazy, it's also completely false. As we've repeatedly pointed out, Obama was talking about increasing the size of the Peace Corps and the foreign service, not creating "his own personal police force."

Washington can't leave the lie alone, however; he has to embellish it by claiming that all government workers are "brownshirts" who are "sworn to his allegiance." He offers no evidence of this, of course -- there isn't any. How about producing a copy of that nonexistent oath of allegiance, Ellis?

What else can we expect from someone who not only gets things not just wrong but flamboyantly wrong? This particular lie is no less flamboyant, but it is much more sleazy.

UPDATE: Washington's so-called evidence that Obama "fulfilled that campaign promise" of creating "his own personal police force" is a blog post fearmongering about the Ready Reserve Corps clause in the health care reform bill. In fact, the Ready Reserve Corps is a group of health professionals that can be call upon in times of national emergency, and has existed in various forms for more than 200 years. So Washington is even more wrong than usual.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:02 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 27, 2011 8:37 AM EDT

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