Topic: Newsmax
Wait and see what will happen if this ego-maniac in chief gets re-elected and achieves his objective to obliterate America and turn it into a communist nation. As he proudly boasted at an April, 2011, fundraising event, “I have had the most successful legislative initiative of any president over the last 50 years.”
One term in office seems to not be enough to find out what Obama stands for and to see that all his promises to those who had elected him have been a failure. He is seeking another. Another for what? Failed economic policies, high unemployment, poor record on human rights, and his unwavering loyalty to China — all betray his deep-seated Marxist-socialist convictions and beliefs.
[...]Can the United States survive Obama’s second term? Will it turn out to be yet another attempt to destroy this country? Will the American people give Obama another four years in office to complete his destructive experiment by throwing this country’s economy and defense at the mercy of the People’s Republic of China?
While clamoring for closer cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, Obama actually does everything in his power to set them apart.
My hope is that the American people are too smart to be fooled again by Obama’s treacherous promises. They will finally understand and reject Obama’s policies so fatal to this country. They will vote him out of office by making another presidential choice.
-- Lev Navrozov, June 15 Newsmax column