Topic: WorldNetDaily
In an especially petty fit of Obama Derangement Syndrome, Eric Golub dedicates his April 27 WorldNetDaily column to denigrating President Obama for committing the offense of inconveniencing Golub.
No, really. Here's how Golub kicks things off:
Obama says he is a Christian. I believe him.
Yet when he says he cares about the concerns of ordinary people, I do not believe him for one moment.
He is the same snob who gives people glimpses of his true character when his guard is down.
This is the man who asked an Iowa corn farmer if he grew arugula.
This is the man who disdainfully turned to his primary opponent and coldly said, "You're likable enough Hillary."
This is a man who would come to Los Angeles on one of the holiest days of the religious Christian calendar and shut down the entire city during rush-hour traffic.As it turns out, Golub had no grand philosophical statement in which to base his ranting:
My anger was admittedly selfish. Only two miles from my home, an innocent trip to get some lunch turned into a fiasco lasting over an hour. All of the streets were blocked off. Getting home was virtually impossible. Then leaving the house for an appointment that could not be missed proved painful, as a two hour trip took four hours. The first two hours was just leaving Los Angeles.
Golub went on to claim:
Yet others had frustration that was far more important. Christians trying to attend Holy Thursday services at their churches could not get there. People trying to pay homage to God had to take a back seat because one man needed to pay homage to himself.
In fact, Holy Thursday is not a day of required attendance in most Christian churches, so it's unlikely many people were inconvenienced.
Further, traffic was not that big of an issue overall; the Los Angleles Times reported that traffic jams due to Obama's visit was limited to "some parts of the Westside," which the vast majority of metropolitan Los Angeles was unaffected.
Still, Golub is on a rant, and he won't be persuaded otherwise:
As Holy Thursday turned to Good Friday, well wishes are again sent to the Jews and Christians celebrating their beautiful traditions. In the aftermath of Easter weekend, Mr. Obama may wish to consider lowering himself in his own mind to the level of mere mortal.
Obama needs to learn humility. He needs to be more sensitive to those around him, even if they do not earn seven figures and trade carbon offsets. He needs to understand that for the great unwashed masses, the right to liberty and pursuit of happiness come in the form of a religious service.
His actions were selfish, classless and, even more sadly, typical.
I still hope the man had a peaceful Easter, but his attitude toward his fellow men led to a most Unholy Thursday.
Remember, this is all about traffic. That's what WND is left to resort to in order to bash Obama.