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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
MRC's Hypocritial Outrage Over Jesse Ventura
Topic: NewsBusters

In an April 4 NewsBusters post, Scott Whitlock is offended that ABC "offered 9/11 truther Jesse Ventura a platform to hype his conspiracy theories and smear the U.S. government as 'Nazi.'" Whitlock huffed, "why does ABC giving Ventura opportunities to promote such claims?"

Whitlock might have a little more credibility if one of his fellow NewsBusters bloggers wasn't actively helping Ventura to spread his conspiracies.

As we've detailed in the MRC's long list of double standards, NewsBusters associate editor -- and fellow MRC employee -- Noel Sheppard played a starring role in an episode of Ventura's TruTV show "Conspiracy Theory" focusing on global warming, spinning global warming as "power and money and control of the population" and slipping Ventura "a list of scientists that I want you to talk to. You will learn a lot from these folks."

Is George Stepanopoulos questioning Ventura on "GMA" really more embarrassing than Sheppard's thespian turn on Ventura's own show?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:50 PM EDT

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