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Thursday, March 3, 2011
WND Columnist Falsely Attacks Nintendo Over Game
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Chrissy Satterfield was in full frothing moed in her March 2 WorldNetDaily column, headlined "How Nintendo's molesting our kids":

I remember when video games were far and few between. You had a choice of Mario Brothers for Nintendo or Sonic for Sega. Nowadays it's explosions, guns, pimps, hookers and now, with Nintendo's latest creation, "We Dare," we're adding partner swapping and sex. The United States doesn't have to worry so much right now since it's only being released in Europe. But it's only a matter of time before it comes knocking on our liberal door. It even has a 12-plus rating!

Satterfield, however, has misaimed her target, apparently unable to tell the difference between a game manufacturer and a game platform. We Dare is manufactured by Ubisoft for Nintendo's Wii platform. One can fault Nintendo for allowing Ubisoft to develop such a game for Wii, but that's not what Satterfield does -- she calls it "Nintendo's latest creation," which it is not.

Satterfield concludes her column, "That's my does [sic] of honesty for this week." Well, no: Not only does it include honest facts, it also wasn't apparently spell-checked.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:58 AM EST

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