Topic: Newsmax
A few days ago, Newsmax sent out an email exhorting readers to take part in its meaningless "urgent national online poll about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's fight with his state's public employees unions." (A screenshot of the email is below.)
As you might expect, the poll is filled with skewed questions like, "Do you believe public employee unions have become too powerful?" and "Do you believe public employee union members should be paid less, the same or more than employees with similar jobs in the private sector?" Of course, as an Associated Press article published by Newsmax points out, public sector workers make less than private sector workers in comparable jobs.
But skewed questions were enough for Newsmax -- they attempted to skew things more with a note at the end of the email: "The major media claims that Scott Walker is trying to destroy the unions. This is a lie."
In fact, under Walker's plan, unions would be barred from negotiating over anything other than wages, which would not be permitted to grow past the rate of inflation. That -- in addition to making union dues voluntary and requiring a certification vote for the union once a year -- is in effect a destruction of public-sector unions in Wisconsin, whether or not Newsmax wants to admit it.