Topic: NewsBusters
How much does the Media Research Center's Tim Graham hate gays? He's furious that there are gay valentine cards.
In a Feb. 14 NewsBusters post, Graham fumes that NPR "would use Valentine's Day as another day to celebrate identity politics and social liberalism with a Monday Morning Edition story on 'Greeting cards that celebrate a rainbow of loves.'" NPR asking Hallmark if it offered gay valentines, Graham declared, was nothingmore than "shov[ing] Hallmark toward 'mainstreaming' the LGBT line of valentines." Never mind that Hallmark official's statement in the NPR report (quoted by Graham) that the company's same-sex wedding cards are "performing on par with our regular wedding cards" shows such a market already exists and doesn't need to be created by NPR.
Graham also huffs, "Since this is NPR, there is no room anywhere for a critical conservative voice." Graham should probably be grateful for that, since any right-winger freaking out about gay valentine cards would come off as petty and hateful as Graham does.