Topic: WorldNetDaily
Larry Klayman kicks off his Feb. 5 WorldNetDaily column this way:
Thursday was the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Weakened politically and likely at this point in his administration to lose the 2012 presidential election, the "mullah in chief," Barack Hussein Obama decided to show his face at the annual event and pretend that he is a believer in Judeo-Christian culture and ideology. But, as has been true throughout his presidency, Obama's actions speak much louder than his insincere if not fraudulent words.
Klayman then served up a, shall we say, alternative history of the past year:
We all remember last year's Obama outrage; canceling the White House commemoration of May's National Day of Prayer and instead celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in the people's house. To add insult to injury, the president used the occasion to effectively endorse the Ground Zero mosque. What we witnessed before this shocking display was a chief executive who went out of his way to humiliate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when he first interrupted and then left the Jewish leader waiting during a meeting in the White House, while Obama went off to have a cozy dinner with first lady Michelle. That's not to mention the administration's generally hostile attitude and approach toward Israel and its now obsessive "outreach" to radical Arabic interests. Couple this with Obama's dissing of and failure to support the Persian freedom movement in Iran, a natural ally of Israel and the West if there is regime change, and we have the backdrop of a president, true to his black Muslim Chicago roots, not only obsessed with the radical Arab world, but also hostile to Jews, Christians and Persians.
Klayman then fell into line with his fellow dictator-lovers at WND by claiming Obama was "literally throwing President Hosni Mubarak, a 30-year ally of the United States and Israel, under the proverbial bus."
All of this showed Obama's true colors – even if we did not need to be reminded given his conduct of the last few years. He has a knee-jerk reflexive ultra-leftist reaction to world events and exhibits a frightening degree of disloyalty toward American allies who have stood with the United States and Israel. This may stem from his own heritage as the son of a anti-colonialist, America-hating Kenyan father, or it may have been also acquired over the years from Obama's association with the likes of Rev. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ, Bill Ayers, a noted anarchist and domestic terrorist, and, of course, his own wife, Michelle – who is a liberal extremist. But whatever the cause, the president is a highly dangerous man bent on destroying vital U.S. strategic alliances and undermining Israel and the Iranian freedom movement in particular.
All in all, a fine exhibition of Obama derangement.