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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
AIM Starting “Center for Investigative Journalism”
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Accuracy in Media -- known in recent years for little beyond Cliff Kincaid’s homophobic rants -- has launched the “AIM Center for Investigative Journalism,” headed by, you guessed it, Cliff Kincaid.

Now, Kincaid isn’t exactly known for anything remotely resembling journalism; while he has a college degree in it, it’s not what he has spent his career practicing. In addition to the above-linked homophobic rants, Kincaid has embraced birtherism, smeared Ted Kennedy by claiming he likely engaged in “a drunken orgy” on the night of the Chappaquiddick incident, and speculated about Hillary Clinton’s supposed lesbianism. He’s also shown a tendency to ignore facts that conflict with his far-right agenda.

As far as AIM’s own respect for journalism is concerned, one need only look to the AIM website’s publication of a blog post falsely smearing Obama administration official Kevin Jennings as a “pedophile” who is “teaching 14-year-old boys the dangerous sexual practice of 'fisting.' “ AIM had no choice but to delete the post and apologize, but not before spreading even more smears about Jennings.

So, yeah, the idea of Kincaid leading something related to “investigative journalism,” and AIM operating it, is pretty much a joke.

(Cross-posted at Media Matters.)

Posted by Terry K. at 1:51 AM EST

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