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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
MRC's Gainor Tries to Portray Obama As A Druggie
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Dan Gainor ventures into some serious Obama-hating territory in his Nov. 4 column. In the midst of a post-election tirade about the "liberal media," he writes:

So-called journalists went digging into [Christine] O’Donnell’s high school spelling but ignored what her opponent did in college. This was the identical strategy news outlets used in the 2008 presidential race where The New York Times savaged John McCain’s wife Cindy for her legal drug use and never did a similar investigation into Obama’s own confessed drug activity.

Perhaps that's because Obama's "confessed drug activity" took place as a teenager and there is no evidence it ever ventured into a full-blown addiction. Cindy McCain, meanwhile, was a fully grown adult when she ventured into what Gainor whitewashes as "legal drug use" -- in fact, it was an addiction to painkillers so severe that she was was caught stealing drugs from her nonprofit organization to feed her addiction. And the New York Times hardly "savaged" McCain over this; rather, the Times mentioning it in just two paragraphs of a 41-paragraph profile of her.

The last person to obsess over Obama's "confessed drug activity" was rabid Obama-hater Jerome Corsi, who laughably claimed that Obama "has yet to answer" questions about whether he stopped using drugs.

Gainor also railed against how election discourse has fallen "somewhere deep into the gutter where bloggers offer $100,000 for a non-existent Glenn Beck sex tape." Gainor didn't mention that this was universally criticized, and that even the NewsBusters link he provides notes that the solicitation has been deleted and the author apologized.

And needless to say, Gainor casts a blind eye to bad election behavior by conservatives, such as Carl Paladino's threatening a reporter.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:57 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 3:13 PM EST

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