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Monday, November 8, 2010
WND's Farah Embraces Obama Trip Cost Lie
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Looking for the truth about Obama's trip to India? Don't go to WorldNetDaily -- it's content to report lies, and that comes straight from the head man himself.

Joseph Farah's Nov. 8 column starts this way:

By now every American knows how much U.S. taxpayers are spending for Barack Obama's 10-day trip to India this week.

The price tag is $200 million a day – or an even $2 billion for the whole excursion that involves the deployment of 3,000 people, 34 warships and hundreds of helicopters.

The White House denies the $200 million price tag, but that's what India officials estimated. The White House refuses to provide a figure.

Farah is lying to you. "India officials" is actually a single, anonymous claim reported in the Indian media. Farah's taking refuge in claiming that the White House won't reveal the real cost -- even though it would compromise Obama's security to do so -- is just a pathetic attempt to keep the story alive.

The $200 million figure has been discredited by pretty much every credible news source on the planet -- even Fox News. That leaves disreputable outlets lke WND who insist on clinging to the lie in order to further its anti-Obama agenda.

But if WND couldn't lie about Obama, it wouldn't have much of an anti-Obama agenda.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:46 PM EST

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