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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
NewsBusters Is Busted
Topic: NewsBusters

The NewsBusters website has been down pretty much the entire day today.

Perhaps the Media Research Center should have spent some of that $2.1 million from its "Tell the Truth!" campaign that it blew on billboard trucks and hastily organized protests and used it for some working servers.

UPDATE: There's an explanation for the outage on the main MRC site:

It appears we were overwhelmed with traffic this morning which led to a cascade of events which took us offline. Our vendors are working studiously to correct the situation which has continued for much longer than we anticipated. We have conveyed our anger and distress.

I can assure you that changes will be made so that this does not occur again. On a big news day like today, this is embarrassing.

We don't disagree.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:39 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:43 PM EDT

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