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Monday, November 1, 2010
Democrat Derangement Syndrome, Lowell Ponte Edition
Topic: Newsmax

The U.S. Constitution has no parliamentary provision for a "no confidence" vote, but Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to circumvent America's Constitution.

This ruling imperialist triumvirate prefers the ways of Europe. Americans, therefore, should demand that they follow their preferred European parliamentary standards and resign.

On Tuesday we shall see if voters believe President Obama, whose policy of taxing, borrowing, and spending our way out of today's economic crisis is plunging America deeper and deeper into debt, decline and a potential crash of the dollar, has lost what in Chinese emperors was called the "mandate of heaven."

If Obama and his comrades genuinely wish to restore economic health and prosperity to America, they would resign even if they win on Tuesday.

The stock market would probably surge by 5,000 points within days of a mass resignation by left-liberal Democratic rulers. Foreign investment money would also flood into America.


Democrats ought to lose in 2010 and 2012, but they also need to be removed from power for at least two generations, as Republicans were from control of Congress from the 1930s to the 1980s.

For their redemption and ours, left-liberal Democrats need to wander for 40 years in the desert until they purge themselves of the pagan pseudo-religious cults of Eurosocialism, Marxism, progressivism and all other collectivisms.

In year 2050 Americans can reconsider whether the Democrats have again become an American political party.

Every American this week should take a vow never to vote for any Democrat until 2050. 

-- Lowell Ponte, Nov. 1 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:27 AM EDT

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