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Monday, September 20, 2010
NewsBusters Heathering Watch
Topic: NewsBusters

Speaking of party-line enforcers, NewsBusters seems to be full of them, don't they?

Mark Finkelstein tries his hand in a Sept. 20 post, suggesting that Rahm Emanuel wrote Joe Scarborough's statement on "Morning Joe" condemning "angry voices" and "political extremists" on the far right.Finkelstein asserts that "the manifesto's message suits Dem themes to a 'T', and carries clear echoes of a recent partisan speech by Pres. Obama at a political event" [boldface his]. Finkelstein continues [boldface his]:

But at this juncture in American political history, the anger is understandably more present on the right. The Dems, after all, control both houses of Congress and the White House, and have used their power to promote a big-government agenda on everything from health care to trillion dollar spending schemes to higher taxes.  You're darn right we're angry!  In instructing us to calm down, Joe and Mika are really seeking to sap the vitality from the political movement that threatens to sweep Dems from office.


Let's recapitulate: Obama says anger bad, not a vision for the future.  Scarborough says anger bad, not a way to govern.

I'm sure the folks at the White House and the DNC will be delighted by Morning Joe's manifesto.  They couldn't have said it better themselves.

Scarborough, of course, has been a longtime target for Heathering by the boys at NewsBusters. And Finkelstein might want to consult a dictionary to figure out why he misused the word "recapitulate."

Posted by Terry K. at 2:31 PM EDT

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