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Thursday, September 2, 2010
WND Quick to Link Discovery Gunman to Gore, Ignores Own Links to Extremism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has gotten into politicizing the hostage crisis at the Discovery Channel headquarters with a Sept. 2 article by Bob Unruh trying to portray the hostage taker, James Lee -- whose name Unruh gets wrong -- as merely channeling Al Gore's environmental views by citing so-called "experts."

Needless to say, Unruh fails to note that Lee dovetails nicely with WorldNetDaily's right-wing anti-immigration agenda by denouncing "anchor baby filth."

WND has published several rants against "anchor babies."

WND has a longtime aversion to introspection when the perpetrators of violent acts have agendas that parallel its own. We've detailed how WND was quick to dismiss Scott Roeder, convicted killer of abortion doctor George Tiller as "allegedly suffered from mental illness" and "not associated with the mainstream pro-life movement" even though WND had long published articles sympathetic to anti-abortion extremists. WND later published several columns by Jack Cashill praising Tiller's murder as "frontier justice."

WNd has also failed to acknowledge that it shared several viewpoints with Holocaust Museum shooter James Von Brunn, including Obama birtherism and hatred of the Federal Reserve.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:08 PM EDT

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