Topic: Accuracy in Media
"Jonah Knox" -- the pseudonymous "noncommissioned officer and analyst in the United States Army Reserves" who Accuracy in Media provided a perch to launch his cowardly smears against Obama -- brings his cowardice back to AIM for an Aug. 24 screed against gays in the military.
Like fellow AIM gay-basher Cliff Kincaid, "Knox" wants to link homosexuality to treason through the Bradley Manning-WikiLeaks case :
The kid-gloves treatment of Manning demonstrates that the current policy that the Department of Defense and Army have on homosexuals in the military stems from a desire to bow at the altar of political correctness and seek approval from the same-sex advocates and their leftist allies. The left has generated enough politically correct pressure that the Department of Defense and Army now go out of their way to ignore homosexuals within their ranks—even if that costs the lives of service personnel and betrays national security.
"Knox" also complains that "the Manning story has not only failed to unify those supposedly on the right, but it has become clear that some so-called 'conservatives' are intent on fracturing and destroying the conservative movement with their abandonment of morality and their support of the same-sex agenda."
No wonder "Knox" wants to stay hidden -- he's too much of a gutless coward to take responsibility for his hateful words.