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Friday, July 23, 2010
Kinsolving Suggests Quarantining AIDS Victims
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Is there any record that President Obama's fellow Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt ever disagreed with, or took any action against, authorities of his native state of New York, for their years of quarantining Mary Mallon?

In 1915, working under an assumed name in New York City's Sloane Maternity Hospital (where I was born in 1927), she spread typhoid fever to 25 doctors, nurses and staff – two of whom died.

They were only a few of those she infected and killed.

She was sent to a penal institution, North Brother Island, off the Bronx, where she was kept in quarantine until her death in 1938.

If "typhoid Mary" Mallon was so isolated for so long, to protect the public from typhoid, when will New York and the United States begin protecting the public from spreaders of the far deadlier disease of AIDS?

-- Les Kinsolving, July 21 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 3:16 PM EDT

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