A June 25 article by Pete Winn promoted an attack on Elena Kagan by Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the Rabbinical Allliance of America. Levin asserted that Kagan "is not kosher. She is not fit to sit on this Court--or any court," adding that Kagan "turns traditional Judaism on its head--from a concept of a nation of priests and holy people, she is turning it into, ‘Let’s homosexualize every segment of society. And by the way, partial-birth babies have no right to be delivered.’"
Unmentioned by Winn: Levin is a rabid homophobe.
As Media Matters' Ben Dimiero details, Levin has claimed that allowing gays to serve openly in the military could cause natural disasters. he has also claimed that the "sodomy agenda" caused 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the earthquake in Haiti. Levin has even attacked a Holocaust museum because it mentioned that gays and lesbians were persecuted by the Nazis.
Remember: CNS considers this person to be a credible spokesman.
UPDATE: Newsmax repeated the CNS story.