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Monday, June 21, 2010
Speaking of Lazy and Shameful Writing...
Topic: NewsBusters

Rich Noyes begins a June 20 NewsBusters post this way:

The Washington Post’s Colbert I. King is a regular TV commentator, a Pulitzer prize winner and the deputy editor of the paper’s influential editorial page. But the column he churned out for this morning’s paper is one of the laziest ad hominem attacks on conservatives I’ve ever seen.


It’s a shameful column, hardly worthy of a college newspaper, let alone a Pulitzer prize winner.

Should Noyes really be so surprised by allegedly lazy and shameful ad hominem attacks? After all, his MRC stablemate Brent Baker launched a similarly lazy ad hominem personal attack on Katie Couric for wanting to buy a Prius.

Or does Noyes think King needs to be even more lazy and shameful to reach the depths of Baker?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:25 PM EDT

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