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Thursday, June 17, 2010
MRC's Baker Launches Personal Attack on Couric
Topic: Media Research Center

Media Research Center VP Brent Baker has apparently gotten so lazy he's not even bothering to do actual media research anymore -- he's just launching personal attacks against people.

Take this June 16 NewsBusters post, headlined "Katie Couric Boasts She’ll Be Buying a Prius, the Favorite Car of Obama-Loving Liberals." Baker sneers that Couric will be "confirming her membership in Manhattan’s liberal elite" by buying a Prius, "the favorite of conspicuously superior liberals, or at least a hybrid."

What does this have to do with anything? That's not analysis -- that's hate. Baker is being more elitist than he accuses Couric of being.

And Baker and his fellow travelers wonder why the MRC isn't taken seriously...

Posted by Terry K. at 11:50 AM EDT

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