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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Kupelian: Obama Voters Are Immoral
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In a Feb. 19 audio interview with Greg Corombos, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian discussed "sexual anarchy," to which he devotes one chapter of his new book "How Evil Works." He cites "the epidemic of teacher-student sex that we've reported on a lot at WorldNetDaily" -- as well as "the whole panoply of manifestations of sexual anarchy in our society -- you know, women surgically morphing into men and men into women, and the huge growth of gay rights and the transgenders and all the rest of it." These, he says, contradict "traditional American values, aka Judeo-Christian values," which he said are "like gravity. ... There is a God, and there are moral laws, and we get into real trouble if we violate those laws, and we used to recognize this pretty much as a society."

Kupelian then impugns everyone who voted for Obama as a supporter of "sexual anarchy":

And so basically, the bottom line is we're paying a huge price right now for throwing away these Judeo-Christian values a couple generations ago, and I don't mean just in terms of the usual things like, you know, out-of-wedlock pregnancies and abortions and venereal disease. That's the usual litany of -- when we talk about, you know, sexual anarchy. But I'm telling you, it actually affects our state of mind, our cohesiveness as a country, our values in every area. It has to do with why we are -- why 69 million people could vote for a person like Barack Obama for president. It's really undermined our whole integrity of our value system as a society.

Kupelian goes to claim that "radical feminist" is "a euphemism for people that just hated men, OK? I mean, this is not even a controversial statement. They said that marriage has legalized rape and that marriage is a form of slavery for women and that women should not get married." He then attacked the "educational establishment," which he said "was created by and for women," and that "typical boy behaviors" are "listed as clinical symptoms of a mental illness requiring drugs."

Posted by Terry K. at 2:42 PM EST

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