Topic: Horowitz
We've detailed how David Horowitz has flip-flopped and embraced the kind of outrageous attacks on President Obama he once criticized.
Horowitz does it again in a Nov. 26 Newsmax article, which began as a promotion of his new book about his late daughter but quickly descended into vicious attacks on Obama:
“His roots are in the Left,” says Horowitz. “He (Obama) came out of the movement that I came out of, but he never actually came out of it. Their agendas are power, control and creating enormous slush funds for the armies of the Left -- and that's what this Administration is about. It is the most radical, the most dangerous political administration in Washington that we have ever seen.”
There has never been an Administration that is so anti-Jewish,” he blasts. “There is a global genocide that is being planned and organized in full view of everybody -- and Obama is appeasing them and sticking it to the Jews. These are very dark times for this country, but I'm very optimistic because I believe that people are finally waking up.”
He sees a dark repeat of history.
“Everybody who calls themselves a progressive was a supporter of the Soviet Union or China -- the slaughter of 100,000 million people in order to make them go along with the socialist program. Obama is aiding and abetting and facilitating our enemies as we speak.”[...]
“I am a former leftist so I understand the Left, and it has taken a long time for the conservatives to stop calling these people Liberals -- since they are bigoted, intolerant and totalitarian -- and start calling them the leftist or socialist that they are, and that is happening now in a big way.
“Inside of every so-called Liberal is a totalitarian screaming to come out. There is one TV channel that has some critics of the President on it like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity -- and they want to suppress it. That tells you exactly who they are. They are communist and, of course, it is so unfashionable to say that. I mean with a small ‘c,’ I don't mean the card-carrying communist. Their mentality is communist. It is not liberal,” he concludes.
Horowitz talks about his personal evolution.
“I was one of the founders of the New Left and I have been atoning for that ever since. I got involved in raising money for the Black Panther Party, and they murdered a woman whom I recruited to do their bookkeeping…
“In the mid '70s the Left -- and, by the Left I included the Democratic Party -- at this point had sabotaged the Vietnam War and forced America’s withdraw and 2 ½ million innocent peasants in Indo- China were slaughtered by the allies of the American Left.
“All progressives supported this, and there were no protests from the Left about it,” he adds. “That was the end of my soldering in the Left. I understood that these people have evil agendas. It all sounds very good -- peace, justice -- but it true, it is the form that evil takes, has taken in the 20th century.”
“They will destroy our democracy. That's what they are setting about doing – destroying our democracy or as we used to say during the Cold War our way of life.”
Really? ALL progressives support genocidal regimes? Please. Do you realize how wild-eyed and silly you sound, David?