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Monday, October 26, 2009
CNS, Baehr Mislead on 'Antichrist'

As we've detailed, the provocative and gruesome Lars von Trier film "Antichrist" is the right wing's new obsession. Now has jumped aboard the outrage bandwagon with an Oct. 26 article by Pete Winn.

Winn misleads from the beginning, asserting that "Antichrist" "opened nationwide on Friday." Winn didn't mention that it opened on only six screens.

Winn then wrote that Ted Baehr of Movieguide -- not identifying Movieguide as a right-wing group -- "has launched a campaign to get the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to alter its rating" to NC-17, adding that "Baehr said the MPAA does sometimes change its ratings, and it does sometimes change them under public pressure." In fact, the MPAA cannot "alter its rating" of "Antichrist" because it was never submitted to the MPAA for a rating in the first place.

The movie was released in theaters unrated, as are many foreign films in limited release in the U.S.

Baehr's petition demanding that the MPAA rate the film NC-17 is similarly clueless, calling the film "Hollywood’s latest assault on our tender and impressionable children." But "Antichrist" is not a Hollywood production; it was made by a Danish director with a mostly Danish crew and entirely foreign money.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:02 PM EDT

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